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By joining or enlisting as a member of Furry People Productions, I grant 2595712 Ontario Inc. o/a Furry People Productions (“Furry People Productions”) consent to use any photographs, images, videos or other likeness that I provide, upload, or allow taken of me and/or my pet (“Images”), in any and all of its publications, electronic or hardcopy, websites, social media sites, or any other media outlet anywhere in the world.
In consideration of my enrollment, I understand and agree that the Images become the property of Furry People Productions and will not be returned. I further grant Furry People Productions the right to edit, alter, copy, exhibit, publish or distribute the Images to directors, producers, ad agencies, writers, producers, casting directors, production companies, and for purposes of publicizing its programs or for any other lawful purpose.
In addition, I waive any moral rights I have in the Images and expressly agree the grant is perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, and that I shall not receive any compensation related to the use of the Images. I release rights to all claims, demands and causes of action which I, my heirs, representatives, estate, administrators, or any other person acting on my behalf of my estate have or may have by reason of this grant and release.
I agree that any disputes that may arise regarding this release or my grant of rights will be governed by the courts of the Province of Ontario where Furry People Productions’s office is located.