Victoria Victoria Victoria Victoria Victoria Victoria Victoria

Victoria S

Age : 28
Sex : Female


My dog, Arlo, and I love to go on runs together with him tied to my waist. He is very comfortable with me and allows me to pick him up and he will wrap his back legs to my sides. He will also jump up and put his paws in mine, or his paws on my shoulders if I ask for a hug. He loves to play fetch with balls and will catch and bring it back continuously. He is, also, skilled in just sitting or lying down beside me if I am sitting somewhere in a public place. Arlo is accustomed to being around and riding on ATV's, cars and boats.

Check Out My Furry Friend!

Arlo is a sweet boy with big expression filled eyes. He has his moments being goofy and clumsy but is very eager to please and lea...