Phoebe is a 2 year old chinese crested, She is unique because she is lacking what most dogs have ....fur. This little girl is about 6 lbs usually runs about 5.5 but winter causes some gain. She loves to run, she loves to be worn like a human mom wears her baby. I think she was a roo in a past life she enjoys being in a "pouch" very much. She wears clothes and is super social, thinks everyone loves her and is pretty certain that another animal dog or otherwise was born to be her best friend. She plays fetch but on her terms, she likes cats, she lives with a siamese and an african grey parrot. She isn't thrilled with water but we have just started doing "dock diving" but she does like to go frog hunting lol (don't ask) she loves babies. Her biggest downfall is her teeth, the hairless gene also cause poor dentin so she is missing some teeth on her bottom which causes her tongue to stick out a little bit, myself and her human friends find this adorable. She also will go to her kennel on demand. She is NOT yappy which for a small dog that alone is pretty amazing lol
She is very food driven and will usuall do anything if it means she gets a food treat, currently she is totally smitten with peanut butter. Her favorite toys are the squeaker ones, sadly they never last long as she ruins the squeaker. Phoebe has been called a diva dog when I take her on walks because will cary her little purse in her mouth on her walk, I tried to get her to carry her poop bags but she was having none of that. She likes the sun, I mean she's hairless so the rays probably feel great on her skin.
I don't really know what else to tell you, she is awesome, she is adorable, she is full of life, she loves everyone. I'd say she is perfect but she have some flaws.....she likes to steal chocolate, she wakes me up at night so I will pick up the blankets so she can crawl under, then wake me up because she is too hot and wants out. She ate my daughters airpod once not perfect but pretty darn close